You’re in the right place

At Safety Compliance Global, we customise structured, compliant and best-fit work health, safety and quality systems for our valued clients.

Working as an extension to our client’s teams, we create meaningful relationships with a collaboration mindset and focus on continued innovation and up to date improvements.

This results in effective safety action in the field and enables our clients to operate effectively within legislative requirements.

Meeting your workplace health and safety compliance obligations will not only serve to keep people safe in your workplace but will also benefit the business by reducing costs relating to downtime and compensation claims, while also increasing staff retention and productivity rates.

As an expert in legislation and ISO, and with 20 years of experience working across various industries within the Health, Safety, Training and Quality fields, Amanda Davis from Safety Compliance Global can take care of all your safety requirements.

we work in diverse industries





safety compliance made easy

Book a 15 minute call to see how we can work with you to develop a customised and innovative work health and safety system that will help your business to operate effectively within legislative requirements and give you peace of mind.


Reducing harm, risk and exposure


achieving the minimum compliance from Government


a global licence to audit internationally

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